
9 years ago

I have loved someone for months already. I never wanted nor looked for anyone else. but there was a moment I fell for someone else, and now I'm stuck in between two. the girl I loved for 8 months, I just cant get over her. I tried many things to get over her but I cant. I mean I prefer her happiness before mine, I wouldn't really go out with her because ima afraid ill lose her. I don't want to lose her as a friend, so in that case I would rather see her happy with someone else. but all I do is think of her, just wishing she loved me the way I do. this other girl I just meant, we were having a thing. but I noticed I didn't, don't love her the way I love the other girl. yes, I like this new girl, but I cant love her the way I love the other girl that I loved for 8 months. I knew I want to wait for this other girl that I been waiting for 8 months, even though I knew she doesn't love me. I want to wait for her even if its my whole life. but all she reslly does is reject me, cause she doesn't love me. I mean we are really close friends, I trust her in everything. I can tell her everything, shell always be there for me, she makes me feel this certain way I cant explain. the other girl, she make me feel happy, but I know I don't really want to be with her, I don't want to lose her as a friend neither. I told her what I feel because I cant lie, I like being honest. I mean I want to try and forget the other girl, but nothing seems to work. I miss the way me and this girl talked on the phone every day I miss the good times, but in loving her the way I love this other girl no, its different. I just want to know what to do, I hate hurting people. I don't no one to get hurt, I want to know if what I feel for this one girl I loved for 8 months is love or obsession, ill call her Delilah. I also want to knew if what I feel for the other new girl is love or did I just want to forget Delilah, ill call the new girl Alice. I mean Delilah always been there for me and made me believe in myself, she made me strong. but this other girl Alice made me have a break down, made me feel the worst about myself. I want to know what should I do. I mean I want to know who should I be with, but when I think about it my heart says Delilah and my head pictures her. nut then I just don't want to lose Alice.

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" Once loved, always loved. If you don't love anymore, You never loved. "

- Anonymous» Love Quotes

Love Poem - My First Feeling Of Love

Author: Swati★★★
Love is a beautiful feeling Which I feel wen
U hold my hand first time.My Love is my
Life.My Life is rough paper without my love,
My love has only authority to Write on
it.Everyone can Fall in Love.I Love You Jaan.