
10 years ago

When they ask you out and you like that person but you are not sure yet about the relationship what do you say

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  • Mae
    10 years ago

    Tell them that you would like some time to think about it. If you want you could say something like this: "I like you but I'm not entirely sure, can I think about it for a few days?"- hope this helps, Mae :)

" I don't ask for much, because with you i have everything "

- Unknown» Love Quotes

Love Poem - A SPECIAL WORLD....<3 <3 !!..

Author: Priyanka thete★★★
A special world for you and me
A special bond one cannot see
It wraps us up in its cocoon
And holds us fiercely in its womb.
Its fingers spread like fine spun gold ...(Cont.)