Hi so I'm dating the most amazing boy in the world we fight and stuff but here's the thing he lives in California and I live in Washingtion I love him and all but I don't know if I can keep dong this long distance thing. I guess I'm just scared he will break up with me He said that he would die and take a bullet for me I know right awwwwwe he is the most amazing pearson ever I just don't know what to do should I keep this thing going or should I end it
10 years ago
Well it depends how much you love him. If you love him a lot and its working, then go for it! But if you don't want it to work than end it. Sometimes it's just got to end and other times it needs to continue. But it's all your choice.
10 years ago
no-one said you have to end it if he is understanding he will come and take risks for you. if he takes bullets for you then he will stick by your side through the ups and downs
10 years ago
Hello Jaz,
California? I envy you but try Odessa UK vs. Virginia a whole different country. She is a wonderful woman who wants to get married and have children, so if he is willing to take a bullet for and you sounds like a keeper fill the same way about my girlfriend in the UK. so what do you do? sound like the next step would be to take a trip and spend some time in California I'm about to do the same before the year is out so if you believe in true love take the adventure life is just to short.
10 years ago
well long distance relationship is hard but f the both of you Loves each other CONTINUE IT . not all the problems break up is the solution .. be positive . but it depends on you . its my opinion only .
10 years ago
Hello! We've known each other by CHANCE, became friends by CHOICE, still friends by DECISION. And when we say FRIEND FOREVER, that's definitely a lifetime PROMISE! Wherever you go, whatever you do, may God's angels watch over you.Please Kindly write me to my email at [email protected],i don't often be here. Thanks and have a nice day. My regards Meero
10 years ago
hello how can i get help can you wirte me to [email protected]
" Today I'll tell you I love you. Tomorrow will be the day you tell me you're leaving. And this moment is the moment i cry ... " » Full Quote
- alyanna maakestad» Love Quotes
Love Poem - Missing You
Author: Harani★★★★ |
//php if ($key < 5) :?>
Its not ur mistake if u cant read d eyes which cheats u.But its really ur mistake if u cant read d eyes which loves yo |