11 years ago
me and my partner have been in a relationship since the past 2.5 years which also includes a period of 1 year as long-distance. currently we live in different cities and still love each other a lot. the problem is that we cannot meet each other or even see each other for months at a stretch... lately i think, due to lack of time spending with each other that magic in our relationship is fading... how to revive it?
11 years ago
i know that you have been together for a long time but isn't it time y'all get a house together and stop the long distance i think it'll work better like that and you will get your magic back
" "I love you not only for what you are,but also for what I am when I am with you." "
Love Poem - I Love You Lots&lots Like Jelly Tots
Author: Erica★★ |
//php if ($key < 5) :?>
I love you lots and lots make the sound of jelly tots , make them mine or make them yours ,make them take the appletrots. We had our blast till the very end we make it tend and spent the tent . Had our spots with the ...(Cont.) //php endif;?> |