Is this true love or what

11 years ago

Well hello my name is Judy and I'm seeing this Guy the moment I set eyes on him I knew I had to make him mines. The first day I met him I was speechless I didn't give him my number right away by fact I didn't even have to let him know I wanted him I was home and my sister called me she was like do u remember that boy he asked for your number so I told her hive it to him its been a whole year in a half now and we have not argued got into a fight nor have any Downs I really don't have to do to much explaining neither do him we perfectly under stand one another do u guys think this is real love or just lust

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" Love can sometimes be magic. But magic can sometimes... just be an illusion. "

- Anonymous» Love Quotes

Love Poem - Love Is

Author: Inrgid Ann Charging Hawk ★★★★
Love Is special
Love Is fine
It sends warms shimmers
Down my spine
His touch is like ...(Cont.)