11 years ago

almost 4 months ago I met this guy in an event via a mutual friend.He was super hot so I added him on fb and we started talking right away. Since then we talk almost daily. I came to find out that he's not just handsome but very smart and funny as well. He has the same type of humour as mine, witty and sarcastic and I feel like I can be myself and not act preppy or girly-like. We also have the same passions, hobbies and life goals and he's the only one I can talk freely about them. There has been also flirting involved since the first 5 minutes (subtle and less subtle) and we have also talked about sex and we seem to match! We always tease each other without acting all offended and when we talk seriously I feel like I've got so many things to learn from him. If I didn't like him so much we could be best friends. But there is also stuff that bothers me. No1 I'm always the one to text first and it can get really frustrating cause it makes me feel clingy.No2 when I text he answears right away and then we talk and talk and then BOOM! he reads it but doeasn't answear it. Then the other day I text him something like "hi" and then we continue talking like nothing happened. He has mentioned that he'd like to meet me, perhaps dating or so and he also has said that I'm pretty and he enjoys talking to me but that kind of behavior makes things so complicated.2 weeks ago I felt fed up of all of these and started talking with another guy that seems crazy about me.I asked the guy I like what does he believe about this new guy and he just said "do whatever..If you think you match,I don't know what to say" but 2 days ago he started flirting with me even more obviously he even dropped some hints that showed he was jealous of the new guy.He also mentioned something about a date,AGAIN,but I tried to play it cool and be vague.Anyway, if it wasn't for another guy I wouldn't care, but this guy I like and I don't wanna lose him. We are both very prideful and won't admit what we feel.Also he's a Gemini, a year older than me and I'm an Aquarius with a rising sign of a Gemini (if that helped defining his behaviour).So what should I do to keep his interest?How can I play hard-to-get when I'm head over heels in love with him?What does he feel for me?Please help and thanks for reading this

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  • 11 years ago

    definitely that guy he loves you just to be sure even of he acting like so much curiosity many man do like that behaviors its only for the beginning, but in the end he confused to he felt he wondered if you do the same feelings he has. one of the easier pairings with lots of fun and exciting moments. Certainly you stimulate each other,in life Gemini and Aquarius enjoy being together, and find plenty of common interests just Listen to him, try to pick through his words,and you need to have a simple relationship. that guy he just acting like that because he just want to feel that he can grab and go get you.i mean your attention.______

" Today I'll tell you I love you. Tomorrow will be the day you tell me you're leaving. And this moment is the moment i cry ... " » Full Quote

- alyanna maakestad» Love Quotes

Love Poem - You Was Looking Back At Me

Author: Jewel★★★
when i was sitting there. You was 3 seats
over. you saw how close I was you sat close
to me. I looke at you looke you look back at
me. You asked if I could hold your hand my
heart started to skip some beats and face got ...(Cont.)