13 years ago
my topic is if going love each,other maybe were going meraid??i jsut thinking hoping me and my lover is forever,actually i missing my lover,he it was busy,for work,i just want too,see him bcoz i relly missing him i relly love him soo much,im thinking all the time with,my lover and i hoping he dont get fell tired,too love me??
" Love is not about how many times u say "I LOVE U" but how much u can prove it is true!!! "
- jody mentel» Love Quotes
Love Poem - Sisterly Love
Author: Savannah★★★ |
//php if ($key < 5) :?>
Sisterly love, Sisterly love isn't just any love it's A speicial kind of love it's when u ...(Cont.) //php endif;?> |