i want him 2 notice me atleast once

13 years ago

hey dis is shravani i lyk a boy in r cllge but i m scared 2 tell him i wwnt him 2 lyk me bt how cn it be cuz he dont even know ma name but i have got hisname by his frnd a gal n shez olso ma frnd so she told dat she can make wid dat boy.. bt i said no he ll think dat i m doin frndship wid him cuz i love him n dis ll be odd so i wnt him 2 he only lyk me nlove obvsly.but he cant even see me n i go daily 2 see him in cafetariai jus want him 2 notice me atleast once but he dont mind watz al goin here so plz help me dat he only loves me .

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  • 13 years ago

    hi i had the same problem as you and what i did worked so you should do this.........go with him to a really romantic place and kiss him on the cheek then he will always think about the kiss make sure u look sexy .....................bye good luck

" I love you, but you will never know just how deeply those 3 words mean for me. "

- Mao» Love Quotes

Love Poem - I Wish I Was There

Author: Jake Rhea★★★★
The emptiness I feel comes from not hearing
your voice
The life that swirls around me now is just
blank noise
Some people act as if in my leaving I had a ...(Cont.)