13 years ago
the guy loves me but my feelings for him is just a brother how can i say that my feelings for him is not like that serious but deep inside i love him as he loves me?
13 years ago
Tell Him U Luv Him Too Give Him A Chance
13 years ago
it's complicated honey. it's the same way with me and my friend. in the end, you'll end up being able to tell him you love him deep down inside but you also care about him as a brother and if your'e lucky, he'll understand that and won't push you to be with him.
13 years ago
Faith is right
" If you're angry , kick me! If you hate me, throw some plates to me! And if you're tired... I will love you forever. " » Full Quote
- Wilfredo Del Rio III» Love Quotes
Love Poem - Love And Valentines Day
Author: Cheyenne★★★ |
//php if ($key < 5) :?>
your the one i love, forever and for always, we will be together all of our days, i want to wake up every morning to your sweet face always! to.henry ...(Cont.) //php endif;?> |