I don't know what to do! I love him!

11 years ago

When I was six my best friend was Matthew (8) and we played house and when we said it was nighttime we laid down on his bed and when "morning" came I told him to wake up but he wouldn't and I tried everything then he said "kiss me" so I kissed his cheek but then he said "kiss me on the lips" so I hesitently kissed him. He gave me a note that said "I love you". 3 years later (I was nine)I fell completly in love with him but I don't think he liked me anymore. Now I'm 12 and I still like him but I can't tell him because I'm quite shy and he's quite popular. I also don't see him that much as we now go to different schools. He is one of my neighbours but I can't just go over and we live in the middle of nowhere! So what do I do? The other thing is I also like a boy in my form at school called Brian (he's also a good friend of mine since September). And one day lots of our friends started saying we should go out but the thing is I always pretend I'm replused by the thought of anything more than friends to anyone whether I am or not. Pleas e help! Brian is now going out with my (sort of) friend Melissa but I'm not sure how long it will last. Then this evening my friend Caoimhe (pronounced Queeva) whispered in my ear ' Brian likes you, he told me' she then (after a minute) said she was only joking.

Post Your Reply

  • 11 years ago

    i feel some type of way ,sorta like that . BETTA GO GETCHA MAN !!!!!!

  • 11 years ago

    who do you like more brian or matthew???

    if you like matthew more why don't you go to his house (if you dont see him often like :if you havent seen him in a moth or 2 weeks : ,go to his house if his mom answers ask for mathew and then do this: smile and say hey do you remember me [he'll probs say ya of course i do:)) ] ,ask if you could come in then you could ask about recent events such as what did you do on the weeked , hows school....etc. then after awile sit down beside him look him in the eyes and say i have to ask you something ... and tell him that you like him still and ask if he still likes you chances are that he might...

    if you like ben please say it in comments.

  • Mae
    11 years ago

    Matthew is a family friend still and I did try to tell him how I felt but my nerve failed at the last minute. Several times. The thing is I'm not sure if I like him that much anymore. It was FOUR years ago that I fell in love all of which I was not his friend and now Brian is my friend and I really enjoy his company. I think (but I 'm not sure) that it feels like Matthew is my cousin or something.

  • 11 years ago

    Matthew is a family friend still and I did try to tell him how I felt but my nerve failed at the last minute.

    MAE you have to actually do it like if you dont itll bug you forever trust me on this :S

  • Mae
    11 years ago

    Brian's best friend is Jack and he is also my friend so I see Jack quite a lot and now people are sayng that Jack and I should go out, rather than a few weeks ago when they were saying Brian and I should go out. I look at Brian quite a lot and unfortuntly Jack sits next to Brian in a lot of classes and so people might think I am looking at Jack when I'm actually looking at Brian.

  • Mae
    11 years ago

    Thanks for your help everyone who commented. I decided to ask Brian out but I wrote him a note and he hasn't got it yet so I don't know what he will say. Hope you have luck in any love related problems- Mae

  • 11 years ago

    this ways love for u....so don't miss them ... 8344212952 plz cal any help for u...yar

  • 8 years ago

    It's a relief to find somnoee who can explain things so well

" They says time heals and make us forget...but what we shared will never be erased...Never. "

- Anonymous» Love Quotes

Love Poem - The Door

Author: Ashley Ng★★★
The door that between us,
Leave unclosed,
But you never step out and take my hand,
I am waiting,
Waiting and waiting, ...(Cont.)