I cant decide who is better half?

13 years ago

Hi,i'm fell in love with other religion person.my love continued for one and half year because of my adjusting mind.from beginning onwards i feel very bad and never say my problem about him.i feel ok i can bare bare....
Suddenly in my home my parents bring the topic of marriage with the person who is my best friend from child hood on wards and very understanding capability,very courageous and also very poor.He also told to me he want to marry me.Now i can't decide who is the better one.I know love is different friend ship but i don't interest in love then how can i break up first one,may be he loves me

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" Love is not about how many times u say "I LOVE U" but how much u can prove it is true!!! "

- jody mentel» Love Quotes

Love Poem - En Kadhali

Author: Phoenix babu★★★
Un kalanikalai kuda
Pookadai ilthan