she is good lokking.good heart,bold ,gentle...and she shares her screts with me..alwayzz give me a flying whas ur opinion...i love her so much...her full family,her details,frnds detailss and even her...not mentioning it...she tells meee
13 years ago
Hi arjun!
i hav a way to know it
1.make her 2 miss u for a week. u r near 2 her but do nt pay much atensn 2 her
2.go 2 her wen she is wit her frenz . talk wit her frenz frankly.pretend 2 listen her frenz carefuly n do nt pay her much atension.answer her in very short if she ask wil make her to feel her ego chalenged n if she try even a litle then u r winer
she can search sm excuse 2 talk u or she wil talk wit u aside from group of frenz
it has no side effect instead tis act wil give her time 2 think of u -
13 years ago
If you think she likes you and you like her back just go for it! You dont need steps that dont work only the confidence to ask her out good luck! xxx
" "Your the brightest brilliant I've ever seen;cause you light the darkest place that I've never seen." "
Love Poem - The Duke's Daugther
Author: Vincent Neil Gonzales★★★★ |
//php if ($key < 5) :?>
The Duke’s Daughter Monday morning at the castle I arrive Homeless, and deprive The only family I have was a white Pekin A duck I named Ken. ...(Cont.) //php endif;?> |