how to know someone still wants you

13 years ago

how do you know if one of ur ex wants you back if they cant call u or text u ..what are some things they do ?im stuck in a situation where i still like my ex ever since 6 months ago that we broke up. I feel like he still likes me and sometimes i feel like im the one who like him instead od vise versa . what are some things that boys usually do to show they still like their ex eventhough they cant call them or text them becuase they have no phone?

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  • 13 years ago

    i dont know but im in the same sitiuation.

  • 13 years ago

    Truth is, no form of technology can reveal his truest feelings...he probably still misses you, but guys are guys...and move on in different ways.

    My advice: stop wondering what he's feeling. He's your "ex" for a reason.



" Once loved, always loved. If you don't love anymore, You never loved. "

- Anonymous» Love Quotes

Love Poem - Sisterly Love

Author: Savannah★★★
Sisterly love,
Sisterly love isn't just any love
A speicial kind of love it's when
u ...(Cont.)