How to get my ex back

14 years ago

I realize its my fault. I shudnt have left him. I know he makes me complete. I love him. but its now too late. he's got a gf now. what shud i do?? i want him back i my life.

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  • 14 years ago

    provee to him how much u love him....dont let him go no matter what he does or how he acts...youll realize if its real or not when he lets you talk and akee you back!

  • 14 years ago

    Findout why you need him back. Is it because you genuinely want him back in your life or is it just because you have a feeling that you can't have him?

    Remember one thing, it was you who left him. So when you approach him be very careful (and cautious). The following tips may help you get your ex boy friend back.
    - Don't persuade or beg him to come back into your life. This is a terrible mistake
    - Try to control your emotions. Don't overreact to any situation. Be casual in approach.
    - Find some activity which will keep you busy. This is just to make sure that you have less time to miss your ex boyfriend.
    - Once again try to be the person whom you were when you first met him.
    - Be optimistic and understand that no situation is hopeless.

    Hope these tips work. All the best.

  • mel
    14 years ago

    hmmm interesing ... I want to get my ex back , but i don;t know what to do some times i ask myself why should i take one step not he to call him or send a letter ... guys are same .. i wish he will come back to me soon

  • 14 years ago

    wat kind of guy is he to make you love him so much?
    why can't you find another one who make you complete too?
    if he got a gf cannot force him to leave his gf to be with you...if you love must make him happy!

  • 14 years ago

    if you want him to come back to have to till he leave his gf and approach him and apologise for leaving him...maybe he will be back to you again...or if fail...use is possible...A LOVE MAGIC...

  • 14 years ago

    Forget about your past. U will have great future waiting ahead so face it with happiness. you would get someone better then him so just forget him.

  • 14 years ago

    Johnes, ur tips are really good. plss i would request u to pls read my problem named "love climax" and plllllssss help me out with ur suggessitions and solutionsss.ppplllllssss

  • 14 years ago

    Hey dear, I think you should move ahead instead of going to yours ex, coz he also may be loving his current gf and i think if you force him to leave her or if he leaves and comes to you then don't you think it would be like cheating that girl who is in relation with him.. So find another way bcoz there are many fishes in the lake... tk cr..

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