i love a girl but i do no wat is in her mind............
wheader she likes me or not.......
does she love me etc..............
13 years ago
i love my classmate im not able to tell her how to tell plzzzzzzzzzzz give me a suggession
13 years ago
im not good at this but you should tell her how you feel. i would love a guy that would do that...good luck
13 years ago
tell her u do ulov me or not
13 years ago
You guys, saying I love you, with out meaning it, is a waste of your time. If you really feel you love him/her. Then tell them, don't be shy. & if they respond the way you hoped they wouldn't. Then you deserve so much better. Just hold your head high and tell them how you really feel. Don't freak out if you don't like there response.
13 years ago
Theres a girl a like named Jaya but i dont know if she likes me someone plz help i cant even call her and ask her out she to sweet and nice
13 years ago
its very simple dude. i wanna say yo 1thing. late proposing or not at all proposing s one of the main reason for most of the love stories to end before it starts. 1st thing yo ve to do s tat juz propose her she would surely accept yo.
13 years ago
did yo propose her or not
13 years ago
I love you kavana i am serious
13 years ago
ii totally agree wiit yuhh> You guys, saying I love you, with out meaning it, is a waste of your time. If you really feel you love him/her. Then tell them, don't be shy. & if they respond the way you hoped they wouldn't. Then you deserve so much better. Just hold your head high and tell them how you really feel. Don't freak out if you don't like there response.
13 years ago
im not good at this but you should tell her how you feel. i would love a guy that would do that...good luck
13 years ago
i love one girl she is sooo beauty but she love my friend then i and my friend fight in public ground my friend got more beat and he replied my hands is broken then i leave him after 2 months that girl told i love u
now i am soooooooooooo happy -
12 years ago
I love a girl but i told her before 1Year . But she want me .And she told me that she don't love . I dont know why . I asked her several times .If today she told me that she loves me then tomarrow she will tell that did't love me .I just want to know that did she really loves me.
" ''in life ..there is always one special person,,so special,,that no matter what that person does to you ..you just can't let ... " » Full Quote
- stardust el» Love Quotes
Love Poem - Missing You
Author: Harani★★★★ |
//php if ($key < 5) :?>
Its not ur mistake if u cant read d eyes which cheats u.But its really ur mistake if u cant read d eyes which loves yo |