14 years ago
i loves her a lottt. she too knows it, she too says life with me will be awesome, but she is not agreeing my love, due to , she feels that it may hurt their parents, but i love her very much and i need her my life long, pls tel me how to convince her
14 years ago
well my point of view how will it hurt her parents if her parents love her they would understand what she is going through aand that if you turely love her you will be right there telling her parents and making them understand that you love her and she loves you and its not a secret no more
" How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard. "
- Anonymous» Love Quotes
Love Poem - My First Feeling Of Love
Author: Swati★★★ |
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Love is a beautiful feeling Which I feel wen U hold my hand first time.My Love is my Life.My Life is rough paper without my love, My love has only authority to Write on it.Everyone can Fall in Love.I Love You Jaan. |