Me and my bf broke up last year in april, and things were quite for a while but then eventually i found him on facebook and i decided to add him as one of my friends, and he later added me back (after sending him a request of course) and we never messaged each other at all, but it occured in mid october, after changing my profile picture (which of course means nothing but thats just how i remember when this occured) that he had messaged me..and it was a simple "hey" and i replied back with "hey" and after the first few words being typed eventually within those few other weeks we would be chatting back and forth and then just last week he had asked me on facebook, if he could have my phone number and i gave it to him and now currently me and him still txt often,( although it can only be on the weekends because he has to work 2-10pm every day, ) and what I still kind of wonder is why he is able to talk to me through texts and online messages but yet is unable to actually talk to me in school or after school, and I would like a nice conversation in person, and I don't know does all of this mean he just wants to get to know me a bit better or have more conversations with me on the phone rather than on email, or does it mean that hestill has feelings for me?
12 years ago
none of the above he dnt tlk et school on phone or anywhere else he has no respect for you
" Love is a thing we like to say, but really i want to save it for the special day , love is something everything you need, ... " » Full Quote
- Love will never die.<3» Love Quotes
Love Poem - En Kadhali
Author: Phoenix babu★★★ |
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Ne Un kalanikalai kuda Pookadai ilthan Vankinai. |