i m ann n i m luvn sum1 sinc frm 2year.. i still luv him..mre dan any1 else in the wrld..,dat he too knws .4 degre corse he went 2 tamil nad.. he too luv me bt nw its has been 4mnths he has changd.,its coz dat his frnz dnt lyk our relation..dey r telln dat my frnz r nt gud n al..,bt he noe wel bout al my frnz.,til august he was nt havng any problm...n his parent wont suport our relation,den he s telin dat he dont trust me..
bt i m sure dat i m nt hidin anythng frm him...i m nt able 2 4get him nw he s saying 2 b as frnz..n stopd evrythng.., n i cnt 2 stp evrythng coz its nt a game or anythng 2 stop n start, cnt 4get all the good times and the bad we have been through...LUV HIM DAT MUCH!!!!!!!!
wat to do if my lover is not giving me proper time n ignoring me?
he s nt even listenin 2 my wrds..
13 years ago
Thanks for starting the ball rolling with this inshgit.
13 years ago
Y cnt u be as his wishes? U stay as wat da thngz he lyk. Dnt wory he is 4 u.
13 years ago
U dont ignore him. He is doing so coz of his frendz . 1 day vil cum that he vil turn back nd see u. Nd luv him more than what u were doing in past time. Gud luck.
13 years ago
hi, i think now i'm also facing same problem as u, while my GF has left me without even saying proper reason to me. all i did is leave every thing to time, if our love is true then time will be with us, and no one goes any where. if may be their love is not true , then we r lucky that we r not with those guys who r cheating with name of love .
13 years ago
I love mpho so mch wit ol ma heart n i dnt knw wat 2 do i reali adore her i wan2 marry her i wana b wit her day n nite kising lke nobdyz business
" she is not my past to forget she is not my memory to remember she is not my future to hope for but she is my present to ... " » Full Quote
- kiran jakkula » Love Quotes
Love Poem - Take This Ring
Author: Xavier Johnson★★★ |
//php if ($key < 5) :?>
I used to ask myself what love is all about. I only know that it's something I cannot be without. I think of you when I wake and before I sleep. Not having you to complete me just makes me weak. I love everything about ...(Cont.) //php endif;?> |