he was my best friend and he proposed me but i dont have that type of feeling for him .........but he really loves me ..i am confused ...what should i do?
13 years ago
Tumse aggar o bohut pyar karta he too tumhe yes khena chahiye o tum bhi usko pyar karne ki koshis karo q ki tum usko asse tarese jante ho.
13 years ago
In my class there is a boy who had a crush on me for one week he didnt told me but i just felt and after some days a new girl came to our class and then they both were best friends, he didn't cared for me but after 4 months he has been so sweet to me and from the other girl he had a fight, now is he jealousing her or he really wants to be my friend? After that 4 months period he chats with me every now and then but nowadays lil bit...cant understand the situation and now i really love him..please help me??
13 years ago
your d'not miss use in your friend...friends sharing with ur problms.but lovers says only one dn't forgot me..that's all..both r same but words only different..........take correct decision....bt my opinion friendship is bright feature in life....
13 years ago
hai shewta, i think u shud accept the praposal as u told u knw that he is really luvng u so; its best to accept ur best frd as partner
13 years ago
meet him alone.ask him for is futureplan about his life.if any possiable answer to realited question this come to u know about him? if he is goodperson for life partner.
" ''in life ..there is always one special person,,so special,,that no matter what that person does to you ..you just can't let ... " » Full Quote
- stardust el» Love Quotes
Love Poem - The Duke's Daugther
Author: Vincent Neil Gonzales★★★★ |
//php if ($key < 5) :?>
The Duke’s Daughter Monday morning at the castle I arrive Homeless, and deprive The only family I have was a white Pekin A duck I named Ken. ...(Cont.) //php endif;?> |