
9 years ago

So i have had a crush on this girl for about a year now. I have seen her staring at me a few times, then looking away. I have not told anyone I like her yet. Today my friend told me that he likes the same person. They talk multiple times a day, but I do not think that she likes him sexually. What should I do??!? Please help!

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  • 9 years ago

    May god give u right path dnt worry about anything. Enjoy ur life bcuz time is gold

  • 9 years ago

    I would sit down with you're friend and explain to him that you liked that girl for a year

" If I had a flower for every time I thought of you, I could walk in my garden forever. "

- Alfred Lord Tennyson» Love Quotes

Love Poem - Love Is A Feelings

Author: Stephen★★★
love feels good you cant take it all at
onece. lots of people wil love you. some
people sweet talk for love some just be nice.
you should share,love,care alot for some one
alot.have fun loving till death and after ...(Cont.)