
13 years ago

i love her but not able to tell her

Post Your Reply

  • 13 years ago

    through sweet gestures, make her feel that she is important

  • 13 years ago

    my love is not talk to me. he is attracted with other friend. so help me. what to do me. i talk her. so please help me.

  • 13 years ago

    If u luv her then express ur feelings before its 2 late.

  • 13 years ago

    ok take a deep breath go up to the person you love tell him or her that you love them, if that does not work tell one of your friends to tell her and for your friend to tell you what she or he said

  • 13 years ago

    if you like that person you have to go up and tell them.
    if you dont and just sit back and watch what goes on you may never know what could have happened. and dont tell your FRIENDS to tell them, then they will think your a loser for not telling them yourself. this is not the kind of thing your friends can do for you, sorry. good luck though.

  • 9 years ago

    i told her on google hangouts but you if you are strong enough tel her inperson

" Dont cheat ur lovable once... because... Ice melts when heated..... Eyes melts when cheated..... "

- Abu» Love Quotes

Love Poem - The Duke's Daugther

Author: Vincent Neil Gonzales★★★★
The Duke’s Daughter
Monday morning at the castle I arrive
Homeless, and deprive
The only family I have was a white Pekin
A duck I named Ken. ...(Cont.)