Heart breaker but I love him..

11 years ago

I am totally an completely in love with a guy. He tells me he love me too.. We knew each other a while before we dated, Best friends to be exact. Then we dated for 11 months and it was fantastic for 6 months. It was like a forever on going "cupcake phase" That 6 month I had taken a family trip with my parents and siblings. Me and him were in contact the whole time, but he was just a totally different person. I came back within a week, and it was like he was pushing me away. I soon find out he had cheated on me with a cheerleader, who was beautiful, that goes to our school. Totally heartbroken. I am telling you now I still loved him. So about a week or two after we broke up, we get back together and then it was good for about a month. Then he cheats again. Totally Different girl. Heartbroken again. The pattern went on two more times. I finally got sick of it because I was actually making myself look stupid. I don't understand why someone would tell you they love you, then rip ever piece of you apart.

Am I stupid to still believe he and I have a forever and after?? Or believe he actually loves me??

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  • 11 years ago

    noo dont even think about getting over him again. i would say that you're stupid that you have forgiven him for what he did to you. If i were you i would say to him SREW YOU and staying with my head up and would not think about him ever again. If he would be like "im sorry" or "i didnt do it to hurt you" i just would walk away and not giving a fuck. Get it. He don't like you. It just like when he doesn't have anyone he uses you to pass the time. Get over girl. You deserve better. Waaaay better. p.s sorry for my english :(

" i'm not afraid to die, but my fear is if i die, who will love YOU as much as i do? "

- Anonymous» Love Quotes

Love Poem - En Kadhali

Author: Phoenix babu★★★
Un kalanikalai kuda
Pookadai ilthan