11 years ago
Am in love with him i cant keep my eyes of him its been like this for months i told him how i feel and he said he dont feel the same yet when we talk now he looks at me like were together and holds me and talks to me and then the next day he will look from far away and be mean to me Because i talk to other boys what do i do
" Once loved, always loved. If you don't love anymore, You never loved. "
- Anonymous» Love Quotes
Love Poem - You Was Looking Back At Me
Author: Jewel★★★ |
//php if ($key < 5) :?>
when i was sitting there. You was 3 seats over. you saw how close I was you sat close to me. I looke at you looke you look back at me. You asked if I could hold your hand my heart started to skip some beats and face got ...(Cont.) //php endif;?> |