11 years ago
So the guy i like this guy and he likes me but hes not allowed to go out with me because of his parents. I feel like he does not think i am worth being with. i like him a lot and i really want it to work out but i cant wait around forever seeing if he will change his mind and decide i might be worth it! What should i do?
11 years ago
Are you still in school? Even if you can't go out, you can still hang around, like in school? By the way, is this the same guy, you best friend???
" If he deserved you he would have stayed with you. If he didn't stay with you then you are too good for him. "
- Stephen Daniels» Love Quotes
Love Poem - Back To Back
Author: Jacob gaitan CKA Jay JEez★★ |
//php if ($key < 5) :?>
damn its so wet damn near broke my neck tastes so good almost ate you to death haa when i swallow my spit ...(Cont.) //php endif;?> |