haters love

10 years ago

what if the person i love dosent love me because he never seen me in future and if we can see each other what must i do

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  • 10 years ago

    Love can overcome distance, but it is said that if you love something set it free if it comes back to you it's yours if it doesn't it never was. I don't quote this to be harsh or cruel. It's easy to fall in love with someone that only see you as a friend. But love is not only trying to gain the one you love. But be willing to let him or her go to love someone else.

" The first time you fall in love, it changes your life for ever...and no matter how hard you try the feeling never goes away "

- Unknown» Love Quotes

Love Poem - The Duke's Daugther

Author: Vincent Neil Gonzales★★★★
The Duke’s Daughter
Monday morning at the castle I arrive
Homeless, and deprive
The only family I have was a white Pekin
A duck I named Ken. ...(Cont.)