getting mixed signals.

11 years ago

I have a crush on a boy but it is hard to tell if he has a crush on me. He looks at me a lot and sometimes smiles at me. He always wants to do stuff at school with me also. There is a dance coming up and i want to ask but how do I? I NEED TO KNOW PLZ HELP ME.

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  • 11 years ago

    my sister dat lever u'r stearing on da brai stand wil get cold in sme1's els mouth soon. if u'r dat close y waiting! myb he feel da sme 2 & myt b scared or shuy 2 tel u! u r + & he is - so u both attruct.

    We wnt 2 c Luv burning lyk hell btwn u & him. dnt 4gt 2 update us, I n I xpectn Gud news.

    Blessed More Fire!

" Dont cheat ur lovable once... because... Ice melts when heated..... Eyes melts when cheated..... "

- Abu» Love Quotes

Love Poem - My Favourite Hippy

Author: Daniel★★★
Our personalities mesh and mingle,
Your voice so soft and sweet,
Inside I feel this tingle,
I want to sweep you off your feet.
Our conversations go on for hour after hour, ...(Cont.)