12 years ago
i dnt knw if i love him r nt n i dnt knw if he luv me r nt ...all i do knw is we start it as a gud friends n become moren more close ...close tht we cant spend a day without a contact or a text...so tell me what is wrong??!!!
12 years ago
You both might be hesitant and not know it because you don't want to ruin your friendship. So that might be what's wrong
" Love is not written on paper, for paper can be erased. Nor is it etched on stone, for stone can be broken. But it is ... " » Full Quote
- Anonymous» Love Quotes
Love Poem - An Illness
Author: Huney'Beeh★★★ |
//php if ($key < 5) :?>
This pain in my heart that I can't explain, Each day this pain I gain and gain Wish you were with me But this is what we call destiny. You can't always get what you want ...(Cont.) //php endif;?> |