falling in love

10 years ago

_i have a girll friend i love her _and also i think as she loves me but she is not free to give her true love for me .always i told her as i fell in love but still now she is not able to treat me.what i can do?

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  • 10 years ago

    Its kinda scary being a girl in relationships, boys typically are more bold, and she might have something going on that is major. She might have not even told her parents that she is dating. That is heavy weight on one girl's shoulders. My advice? Ask her if she is okay, and if she looks like she is lying that she is okay, really try to earn her trust so you 2 can be closer.

" Love can sometimes be magic. But magic can sometimes... just be an illusion. "

- Anonymous» Love Quotes

Love Poem - My First Feeling Of Love

Author: Swati★★★
Love is a beautiful feeling Which I feel wen
U hold my hand first time.My Love is my
Life.My Life is rough paper without my love,
My love has only authority to Write on
it.Everyone can Fall in Love.I Love You Jaan.