
13 years ago

why always i get doubt on my love..? am in love from past 9 we are far from each other i am trying trust him as much as i can..but when i veiw his status in facebok and orkut it makes me to think thathe is flirting with other gairls...or like like is he flirting with me itself? i dont kow wheather to continue or to discontinue our relation..daily my mood is getting off just because of this reason..please guide me in this matter...evrytimes he tells that he truthfull towards me...bujt still am getting doubt

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  • 13 years ago

    k if so make then just keep always him beside u and never maintain the distance relationship so as he come to know that u really love him when ever he is getting a chance to get deviate from u. that means i don't advice u to completely become his girl right now. becoz most of the guys just want to move out with there girl friend for each and every occasion to share there physical and mutual feelings. i advice u to just attract him by playing some tricks on him as no guy who can with stand in front of the tricks played by a girl but take care and keep in remember that guys can also play tricks fro which girls easily get flirted easily and be in concious to not to be cought in his hands for a deep romance.

" Beginings Are UsuallY Scary, Endings Are Usually Sad. But Its Everything In Between That Makes The Life WorthWild . "

- Ivana» Love Quotes

Love Poem - Yours Never Again

Author: Ashley★★★
forever and for alaways
to NEVER be
yours again
even if you never knew
for i am through with ...(Cont.)