hi.. i met a girl in fb and i have fallen in love with her... i proposed her and she told tht she is committed... now she broke up with the guy... and she is very close to me now... she tells all her happiuness, sadness... and even tells her personal things to me... i m also try very hard to solve her problem from here itself... as she is in differnt state...!! she daily calls me or asks me to call.. we ll speak abt 1 or 2 hrs continuosly. after tht we ll continue with the msg chat till late night... whn i proposed her.. itself she told, tht she like me a lot, and she knows tht i can keep any girl happy.. but she cant love me, as she is committed...!!! and i told her " i ll be loving u always.. and i have the confidence tht u ll love me... so i ll wait for u...!! "thn she told.. "even if i break up with my guy.. i lose the trust on love and wont get into any relationship with anyone... and i will never come to u...!!!!" but now she is became very very close to me... i feel like she loves me.. but her ego or something is not allowing her to love me.. or to tell me tht she loves me....bt i m not sure... and if i ask her also she ll say no..! i need her in my life... she is the girl who gave me a new life again... i wanna be with her till my last breath.. and i m sure... i ll die, if she is not for me... pls help me...
13 years ago
wait for her when she will be with if she loves you and ask is there any problem in me why u r not been with me MAY BE ITS HELP YOU
13 years ago
wait for her when she will be with if she loves you and ask is there any problem in me why u r not been with me MAY BE ITS HELP YOU
ya thanks... the thing is jus nw she came out of one relationship... and if i say nw this will she accept... and that too thn she easily say... she has no such love feeling towards me... i need her... somehow..!
13 years ago
iask her if she loves u ....... what she is doing with other gay
13 years ago
no i dnt get u..!!!! she broke up with that guy...totally... and i nw she is more close to me.. and i feel she loves me, but not sure abt it... coz.. whn i proposed her earlier., she told she doesnt have such feeling towards me... she says she likes a lot, she dnt hate me, and at the same time.. she wont love me... i dnt knw wht the hell is in her mind... this happened long back.. and nw she is very close to me... sharing her, happiness, sadness, even her personal things to me... she trust me.. and i feel she loves me too.. but not sure.. thts my problem...
13 years ago
tang ina mo gago ka anong pinag sasabi m
13 years ago
no i dnt get u..!!!! she broke up with that guy...totally... and i nw she is more close to me.. and i feel she loves me, but not sure abt it... coz.. whn i proposed her earlier., she told she doesnt have such feeling towards me... she says she likes a lot, she dnt hate me, and at the same time.. she wont love me... i dnt knw wht the hell is in her mind... this happened long back.. and nw she is very close to me... sharing her, happiness, sadness, even her personal things to me... she trust me.. and i feel she loves me too.. but not sure.. thts my problem...
im pretty sure she loves you, but she needs time to figure things out, for now, just be there by her side
13 years ago
no i dnt get u..!!!! she broke up with that guy...totally... and i nw she is more close to me.. and i feel she loves me, but not sure abt it... coz.. whn i proposed her earlier., she told she doesnt have such feeling towards me... she says she likes a lot, she dnt hate me, and at the same time.. she wont love me... i dnt knw wht the hell is in her mind... this happened long back.. and nw she is very close to me... sharing her, happiness, sadness, even her personal things to me... she trust me.. and i feel she loves me too.. but not sure.. thts my problem...
im pretty sure she loves you, but she needs time to figure things out, for now, just be there by her side
thanks robin
13 years ago
she is fall in love with u but she is feeling bad from last breakup so make he happy and make her feel special it will help u and make her fall in love with u
13 years ago
hi.....i m in luv with a girl for d last 3yrs...she also knew dis...last week i proposed her and she replied dat she couldn't see me lyk dat...n l b a frnd of me.......i m very confused...wat to do?
13 years ago
Dear Kamal,
Hi i m one of friend pls think like that even i fell in love with a girl but now she nomore with me in my life due to a problem,leave my problem apart.Pls dont lose u r hope dont think of committing sucide or anything else wait or try to break her ego or whatever it is prove her that u will be the partner for her till her life ends.dont think bad pls take this to your mind and importantly to your heart where she lives,first console yourself.ALL THE BEST let u r life be happy always like ever........... -
13 years ago
i m also fall in love with a girl...
When i proposed her she says no and then she breaks our frndsp.
Nw she doesn't want to talk with me.
What to do?
Plz help me plz -
13 years ago
kekaaaa bya
13 years ago
i m also fall in love with a girl...
When i proposed her she says no and then she breaks our frndsp.
Nw she doesn't want to talk with me.
What to do?
Plz help me plztry to make close with her try to impress her ... and remember that dont show that u r impressing her it takes a little bit time she will b cum near to u
13 years ago
actually due to one small war us we both wr seperated and we want to become closer ,she stopped talking to me since two months and she is a village girl now i am waiting a lot and even i send an sms she doesnt give reply .this is my problem
13 years ago
due to smal war between usnwe both were seperated it has become about two months and i had a smal hope that she comes again with, but she stopped talking to me .i wanna talk to her but she doesnt lift the call and even she never give a reply to me .finally i am waiting a lot .And the girl who is none and only but my angel, she stays in karnataka and also brahmin .
13 years ago
hey i think she loves you but she is afraid to admit it to u and her self because she is afraid she might get hurt falling again..thats ahy you have to make her feel safe with you let her knw tha no matter what u will be there for her and u will love her no matter what her decision is..that way she will knw that u truly love her.. any girl will want thta kind of love
" she is not my past to forget she is not my memory to remember she is not my future to hope for but she is my present to ... " » Full Quote
- kiran jakkula » Love Quotes
Love Poem - My First Feeling Of Love
Author: Swati★★★ |
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Love is a beautiful feeling Which I feel wen U hold my hand first time.My Love is my Life.My Life is rough paper without my love, My love has only authority to Write on it.Everyone can Fall in Love.I Love You Jaan. |