hello! well i dont know how to start.i lied to one whom i loved more than my life,it has been 3 years i lied to him about myself,now he knows everything,every truth about me, nd he has even accepted me with my truth but somewhere i feel that he doesnt love me any more,but although last week he proposed me for marriage...but i just dont know what to do? i embarrassed his love but still in return i'm getting his love n proposal of marriage,many negative thoughts are crossing my mind like he wants to teach me a lesson or wants to just use nd thn leave me for betraying him,plz help me out to get out of all this thoughts....one more thing i would like to add is that while we were in a happy relationship i.e before he came to know about my truth,he was in a relationship with some another girl,but he chossed me over her...but still they both are in contact..i'm worried that he'll go to her...please help me...
13 years ago
hey um am not an expert but i think that the guy really loves you if not he would not have asked you to marry him..maqybe he's still in shock abt u lying to him and it will take a while to trust again but u should trust him is the least u owe him..its hard to find guys who stand by you no matter what so dnt let him go..GOOD LUCK!!!
13 years ago
we he ask u 2 marry u go he must love you so dont worry about it nand he will trust you again hes just in shock that u leid to him nd u should trust him and stay with him cause its hard to find that precait boy soo stay with him and just tell him the truth and he will love you the way you are and goodluck :)
13 years ago
You are getting yourself all worked up! he loves you or he wouldn't still be there or have proposed!!! if he had thought 'thats it' when he found out you lied he would be back with this other girl but he chose you over her again! Also whatever happened in the past is in the past and if he didn't love you he wouldn't have accepted it. This rocky part of your relationship is over you now need to move forward together! he's stood by you accepting everything,you need to get rid of those negative thoughts and think 'he loves me and whatever i have done has been forgiven because he loves me' Good Luck! and Congrats!!! xxx
13 years ago
i love one boy when i was in my country nd i haven't told him coz am very afraid of him he looks me as his sister but now when i come to anothere country he say that he loves me!!! but even if he loves me we can't meet at any time we want? so help me wat will i do? am i goin to leave him or wait 4 the time we will meet
13 years ago
Hey Princess,
I understand your confusion about your future with you bf. After having spoke about the past, I think its natural for you to think or worry about the future of your relationship with him. But I have 2 qns for u.- Is he talking to his ex gf as just a frnd or u doubt his way of handling her relationship?
If he is talking to his ex as just a frnd , I would say you can ignore it and let them be good friends. There is no rule that ex bf n gf cant be present frnds. But it def need some strength n clarity from all who are involved. If you trust his clarity and if you trust the strength of his love on you, then u can ignore this and stop fearing. I am not speaking about blind faith. I am talking about your sensible mind's faith.
- When he came to know abt your past, did he ever fight with you, or he always had accepted it?
Things very much depends upon the maturity level of people's mind. If you think that he has an instable mind about making decisions,
" I'm praying to forget him after he told me thats his wish... damn painful.He is still not the same who was crazy on me! " » Full Quote
- Sindhu» Love Quotes
Love Poem - My Favourite Hippy
Author: Daniel★★★ |
//php if ($key < 5) :?>
Our personalities mesh and mingle, Your voice so soft and sweet, Inside I feel this tingle, I want to sweep you off your feet. Our conversations go on for hour after hour, ...(Cont.) //php endif;?> |