Does He Like Me?

13 years ago

How Do I Know If The Boy I Like Likes Me Back?

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  • 13 years ago

    u can tell by the way he looks at you and talks to u and if u look deep down in his eyes u tell that he likes u or if he makes fun of you by teasing u cause he don't have any thing else to do, he may also like u or if u say hello and he wave at u but dont say hello and goes away quickly and blush that means also that he likes u but confused!

" My world is in better place because you love me "

- tave» Love Quotes

Love Poem - My Own Universe

Author: Joyous★★★
Always I dreamt...for the universe I dreamt
The sun, da moon shall I gain dem soon?
I wished da stars cud be mine...den wud I
I prayed da gr8 lord ...(Cont.)