This thing happen before one week when my exams where going on he asked me to come to meet him he he wants to ask me any thing i said i'll try he said i should come i went to meet him he asked me "who is furkhan ?" i said "is it important???" he said "no matter to you but it is important to me" furkhan was the gay who have praposed me i have already said no to him i dont know how they have met in facebook he asked to furkhan that how did furkhan knows me furkhan said that i am his girlfriend then i said "furkhan said lie to him" after wards i said "can we stop talking about furkhan" he said "u'r hideing with me any thing" i dint said any thing wrong he is not talking with me i don't know why he is doing like that do he love me or not and i cant under stand what i should do now i'm getting carazy to talk with him what i should do now can you give me a advise for my this problem??? please...
" I love you, but you will never know just how deeply those 3 words mean for me. "
- Mao» Love Quotes
Love Poem - En Kadhali
Author: Phoenix babu★★★ |
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Ne Un kalanikalai kuda Pookadai ilthan Vankinai. |