
13 years ago

i am dating this guy for almost 10 months. I felt secure and comfortable when i was with him for the first one to two months. Thereafter, there was one incidence which he did not come over to my place to meet me when i was having fever but he has time to go out to other place middle of the night just to pass some documents to a friend, according to him. And also, i was told only that he actually went holiday with his Ex girlfriend last year November, whereas we met in January and started our relationship in February. In my view, within just couple of months , he could let go of his 3 years relationship and start new relationship with me. Can i trust a person like this?
Beside, he told me he seldom goes out with group of friends but one to one. And, he has more female friends than male friends. So, most of the times, he goes out for drink or dinner, he never mention who he goes out with and the exact place. This lead to a lot of doubts in this relationship. I have told him about this issue, but he feels that there is no reason for him to tell who he goes out with as i would not know the person (s). And, he also he never asked who i go out with as well. However, we spend all our weekend together and meet each other once in weekday. And, he goes out to meet his friend(s) just ONCE OR TWICE during weekday.
I am not sure if i am thinking too much , could you advise me?

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  • 13 years ago

    Melisa, just calm down... He could or could not be cheating on you. Ask his friends and see what they say...

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