
13 years ago

i love this guy but sometimes wonder does he feel the same way i do you see...we talk most of the time and we go out but when stuff happens he is like what you worried about and stuff but i know in my heart d=that he is the right one for me and i want to give this a shot but i feel insecure in doing this i love this guy and i want to give him my world but i sometimes wonder is this really what i want to do From the moment we met I knew I would not be in regret For this guy was all I wanted at the moment Nothing else made sense to me whenever he was in mind This guy made my world shine He’s the reason for this bright smile I began to fall rapidly My heart could no longer take this tragedy I had to tell him how I felt I hoped that he would understand what I meant Having meals was not on the menu Sleeping wasn’t a relaxing time either My tears I was unable to dry For this guy’s heart was something I had to find No matter the cost, my love I had to define For this guy had to be mine It’s like this guy had my heart tied up with vines My whole life started to revolve around this beam of light This guy had my heart separated in differential pieces Even when I began to breakdown and give up I stood and fight Because having this guy in my life would only be the start I began to feel like this guy just wasn’t worthy of me, But then he came around and my love had no bound He had me trapped within a mound I couldn’t get out even if I wanted But at least I felt like I didn’t need to Until I saw a side of him, that I never thought would be true Maybe I fell in love with the wrong guy Maybe this relationship wasn’t meant to be worked out The more time I spent away from him The more I wanted to be with him Letting him go was one of my biggest fears Getting brokenhearted was a painful ending That could never turn out to be pretend Sometimes I wish I kissed him back But when the moment comes I feel like what I’m doing is wrong I guess if open expression, poetry and loyalty wasn’t enough Then maybe my faithfulness, honesty and portraying My character would draw us close But if that didn’t work Then what the heck was I doing trying to make this thing work
A relationship consists of a solid foundation Someone who cannot show you love Someone who cannot tell you they love you Doesn’t know you enough to deserve you The perfect lover would accept you for who you are The person who fancies you Is probably the meanest to you at times? Someone who loves you Will always want to have you in their life And will always want to make you smile Even if it’s only for a while Some people express love through childish ways Some choose to do it in a romantic way Some choose faithful moments While some, just choose to be their self When communicating with someone you love That person would talk to you like nothing else matters They will help you in your toughest times Help you make the right choices in life And always show you a good time I once had someone who loved me But gave it all away to someone I thought would love me more What happened to the guy I fell for? When I sit in the dark alone I wonder should I just go But I don’t want to get hurt Cause I don’t want to lose this guy But it feels so right without him But so lonely without his company My heart rate expands whenever he gets to close I want to get to that place But it doesn’t seem like I’m winning this race I’m trying to keep the paste But the closer I get feels like the further he is away from me I feel lost but I also feel kept This guy have me spinning round revolving doors…What’s love without trust? What’s a perfect breakup without lust? What’s a perfect clean up without dust? Having this guy in my life is a must And when its time to let go trust me it will be tuff This guy is not a want but a need

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" Love can sometimes be magic. But magic can sometimes... just be an illusion. "

- Anonymous» Love Quotes

Love Poem - Take This Ring

Author: Xavier Johnson★★★
I used to ask myself what love is all about.
I only know that it's something I cannot be
without. I think of you when I wake and
before I sleep. Not having you to complete me
just makes me weak. I love everything about ...(Cont.)