Complicated love story

12 years ago

I am in affair one guy who is already committed (married) with other girl from long time. Will I get success in relationship with him , cause I find him idle person for myself. I am very confused please help and suggest. but i love him very muchhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

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  • 12 years ago

    girl,you need to ask that guy who he would rather be with you or his wife if he says his wife try to let him go if he says you he better divorce her

  • 12 years ago

    Dear Sapna,

    Do remember that the other girl is also someone like you. Someone with emotions and feelings. Do you really want to break her life? If he leaves her for you, what guarantee do you have that he won't be leaving you for someone else?

  • 12 years ago

    i totally agree with Keith... pls let go and move on...if he cheated his wife, then he will surely cheat u too.... u deserve better than that :) all the best!!!

  • Pav
    12 years ago

    i totally agree with Keith... pls let go and move on...if he cheated his wife, then he will surely cheat u too.... u deserve better than that :) all the best!!!

    Hey angle u r back? how did ur exams go? :)

  • 12 years ago

    i totally agree with Keith... pls let go and move on...if he cheated his wife, then he will surely cheat u too.... u deserve better than that :) all the best!!!

    Hey angle u r back? how did ur exams go? :)

    Pav, wow....nice to c u..... :D exams went good, fingers crossed anyays for the result... and again u made the mistake,,,,its Angel (heaven) not Angle (mathematics)!!!! good to have u back.... :)

" the most beautiful event is when you saw the person who you loved being happy and smiling like an angel "

- Aurelia Wipranata» Love Quotes

Love Poem - My Favourite Hippy

Author: Daniel★★★
Our personalities mesh and mingle,
Your voice so soft and sweet,
Inside I feel this tingle,
I want to sweep you off your feet.
Our conversations go on for hour after hour, ...(Cont.)