heyyy everyone uhpp there!!! :))
my name is Erlinda...anyways ii need help on somethinq. I am soooooooo freakinq confused abt beiinq iin lovee wiith mah bf nd mah quy beszt friend! =$
well............!!? I've been wiith mah bf 4 a yr && 2 mnths!.
i started datiinq hiim last yr (mah freshmen yr). && ii dndnt really hunq out wiith mah old friiends or mah new friends!....i wuz jst lyyk wuhtteva!!...lol?!
bt 5 wks aqo ii started mah sophmore yr nd ii saw && hunq out wiith mah old friends. mah freshmen friends lol :))
anyways...............well this quy who is mah "BEST GUY FRIEND" is here now. nd ii already satrted 2 lyyk him!! nd idk wuhtt 2 do?
sometyyms ii feel lyyk breakinq uhpp wiith mah baby && hook uhpp wiith mah friend....bt then ii think abtt everythiinq we hve been thru && ii jst cnt do itt even tho ii want to sooo fuckinq badd!!!!
13 years ago
That's crazy girl!
13 years ago
Don't break up with your boyfriend just now and consider everything...maybe your guy friend doesn't like you like that and you would be risking the friendship or you realise it was just a small crush and it's too late.
13 years ago
My advice tm jisce jada pyar krte ho usce apna rltn rakho.mind it bye............
" How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard. "
- Anonymous» Love Quotes
Love Poem - Yours Never Again
Author: Ashley★★★ |
//php if ($key < 5) :?>
forever and for alaways to NEVER be yours again even if you never knew for i am through with ...(Cont.) //php endif;?> |