break up

13 years ago

i was in love with a guy for 2 yrs we came physically close he came home and spoke to my parents they agreed but his parents dint and there was also loss in his business he started avoiding me asking me not to disturb but i cant leave him some times he says he dosnt want me i marry whom ever i want sometimes he says he loves me but because of problems he cant marry me what should i do please suggest

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  • 13 years ago

    I think u should take things slow an see how that tun ot like give him lik all these hints maybe hes jut not ready yet

  • 13 years ago

    boys ned spc n teir life n v should undrstnd dat.....jaz wait for him to gt hiz mnd coll dwn n evrythn gona b alryt as bfre

  • 13 years ago

    You need to give him space to sort everything out, he loves you or he wouldn't have gone against him family to ask you to marry him. He's not avoiding you he is trying to sort out his buisness so he will have the money so you can get married, take things slow and let him have some space. Good Luck. xxx

" ''in life ..there is always one special person,,so special,,that no matter what that person does to you just can't let ... " » Full Quote

- stardust el» Love Quotes

Love Poem - I Wish I Was There

Author: Jake Rhea★★★★
The emptiness I feel comes from not hearing
your voice
The life that swirls around me now is just
blank noise
Some people act as if in my leaving I had a ...(Cont.)