what do i do if my x girl friend doesnt want to go back out but i still love her?
13 years ago
If she asked you to remain friends agree with her...Tell her lets be just friends and don't show her that you are sad,,,be cool...Go on with your life she will be back if she loved you in the past.
13 years ago
Just be close friends now, be flirtatious, I mean without going over the top. Show her you still care and if she decides that she still has feelings for you then perfect! Just show her you are still ready and there for her! :)
13 years ago
I know how ur x feels. She probably thinks that u r being a little clingy. If u become close friends she won't feel that way for much longer if u just act like u don't like her. Try to hide the fact u still love ur x. Pretend to love ur x's best friend and she may get jealous. Trust me I would know.
" An ANGEL sitting in front of me.. E'm thinking what if she looks at me! E'm here.,fully blank..out of form! Scared to ... " » Full Quote
- Sid Moolimani» Love Quotes
Love Poem - Sisterly Love
Author: Savannah★★★ |
//php if ($key < 5) :?>
Sisterly love, Sisterly love isn't just any love it's A speicial kind of love it's when u ...(Cont.) //php endif;?> |