12 years ago
me and the guy are friends! many girls like him...were classmate last year but he transferred to section B. but were still classmate in our computer subject.. our teacher and classmates teases us. there was a time that i'm sitting and i caught him staring at me!..when i look at him he move away his eyes..
12 years ago
If you love him truely and all by your heart. Then Hurry !! you have not enough time left. Go and tell him that you Love him, don't think of what he'll say. If it's your piece of cake you'll surely have it before any one has even smelled it. :)
" Why Do We Love People We Know Will Hurt Us, Yet We Sit There And Wish They Would Come Back And Love Us The Way We Love Them. "
- Heart» Love Quotes
Love Poem - I Love You Lots&lots Like Jelly Tots
Author: Erica★★ |
//php if ($key < 5) :?>
I love you lots and lots make the sound of jelly tots , make them mine or make them yours ,make them take the appletrots. We had our blast till the very end we make it tend and spent the tent . Had our spots with the ...(Cont.) //php endif;?> |