age difference in love

12 years ago

we have got an age difference of 18 years. i dont know whether he loves me or it just lust ..!! we talk about problems, our daily life and non veg talk

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  • Pav
    12 years ago

    Sorry Priya, but you are not on the right track. You must stop this or you might be in serious trouble..... Take of ur love!

  • 12 years ago

    2 years of difference he is a drunker and stopped it for me will he continue after knowing that i am their for him?????

  • pav
    12 years ago

    drinking and smoking....these habits depend on his how addicted he is to them.

    If he is was drunker for long period of time.... then he might stop it for momentarily, but if he is put through stress or some kinds upset in his life he might start drinking again, no matter if u are there with him or not.Because some people take help of alcohol to face their stress.

    You should know, if he is a occasional drinker or you can decide by taking a chance..........all the best. 2yr diff seems alright. :)

  • 12 years ago

    Hey why r u talking abt ur prob..n nonveg talk....
    Its just leave him...otherwise..he doesnt love u truly..

  • 12 years ago

    woah 18 year difference?! i dont think yall should date its not that awesome to ave an 18 year difference!! maybe around like 1-9 maybe not even like 1-5 somewhere around there

  • 12 years ago

    my lover is 5 months difference than me ,........? what could i do for that.?

  • 12 years ago

    Guyz my grl z 5 yr yngr is there any prblm plz tel me?

  • 12 years ago

    Hi, i dont know if i should give my ex relationship another shot.. there is a 5 year difference.. but we were high school sweethearts. I'm 18 but i wanna meet other people and experience life Or is it best if i try to work things out with him? I have a hard time forgiving him though..

  • 12 years ago

    if you have a hard time in forgiving him .....then i guess you must not give another shot at ur ex relationship... Usually i advice the contrary, but you said are just 18 and you are not happy to forgive him, so its best that you explore the world you have whole life before you and take a chance to see whts out their. Meet other people ....sure u might find the best one! (REMEMBER IF EVER U ARE GIVING A SECOND CHANGE TO SOMEONE; IT MEANS YOU ARE TRYING TO BE COMMITTED TO EACH OTHER ...YOU CAN GIVE SECOND CHANCES IF THE GUY IS WORTHY ENOUGH AND YOU BEING AT THE AGE OF AT LEAST 23+ )

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Drowning in the ocean of you and through the
warmth of the water, your eyes are the only
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Your eyes feel like a warm breath taking ray
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