age difference

11 years ago

i am kish... and my lover name is div....I am 1 year elder than my lover!,Actually she is my relative's daughter...she was studying btech in a college in a campus.i am also go to same college but other campus as junior....before going to college i talk to her through mobile.i am here her voice through mobile then i imagine her day i met her...,then i was surprised that exactly her face as it is my imagination.this is the first sight love. for testing my love i am wait for two years. and then i proposed to her through mobile.she reject in a simple manner.but i was really love her...,From the proposed day she was not talking to me.but i am always place the mails and messages in facebook.she was so far away from me.but also i love her.....when the correct time(when i got a job) was came i will again proposed to her.It is possible that she will love me?please advice me.........

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  • 11 years ago

    Girls are faster mind changers they cannot wait for someone for long time. Don't give a chance to her for select a another guy. Just try to convenence her.bcz the same pblm in my life we love each other fr last 2 yrs now she left me bz of i'm 6 month yelder than her

  • 11 years ago

    Dont wait for a long time but firstly chat with her try to be close friends to her and continue talking to her, treat her right, help her sometimes and the very important part dont try let her know that u wanna be her bf, and if u both meeted face to face then keep doing that chat, talk , bond and then last part when u two were alone in a room tell keep continuing try hard after this she might act to u and might say she likes. And by the way im 11 years old

  • 11 years ago

    tat is ur prob............!!!!! y r u disturbing others..........................

" Love hurt me... Love made me cry Love caused me pain But i'm still in love "

- Gowthamy Vishwanathan» Love Quotes

Love Poem - The Duke's Daugther

Author: Vincent Neil Gonzales★★★★
The Duke’s Daughter
Monday morning at the castle I arrive
Homeless, and deprive
The only family I have was a white Pekin
A duck I named Ken. ...(Cont.)