13 years ago
I fell in love with this guy and i promised my 2nd parents i wouldn't date him and we were kinda dating but it wasn't official and he told me he that he thought I was cute and hott and one day he said if he was going to date anybody in this point of his life it would be me he is now dating this girl Mariah I don't no wether to move on and go against the ones I love just yo be with him so tell me do I keep trying to get with him or move on
- Payton
" What is the point of showing all the love you have to someone who does not even appreciate it... "
- ~Sharista~</3» Love Quotes
Love Poem - FINE
Author: Britney★★★ |
//php if ($key < 5) :?>
Are you a Love Letter? cuz u have FINE written all over u! |