14 years ago
i love her very much and she is my life but she tells me LIKE am engguage with some one. AND i dont know
she tellS true r what, but now i am can't forget her so plz give me better advice
i love her very much and she is my life but she tells me LIKE am engguage with some one. AND i dont know
she tellS true r what, but now i am can't forget her so plz give me better advice
" Beginings Are UsuallY Scary, Endings Are Usually Sad. But Its Everything In Between That Makes The Life WorthWild . "
- Ivana» Love Quotes
Author: Jewel★★★ |
when i was sitting there. You was 3 seats over. you saw how close I was you sat close to me. I looke at you looke you look back at me. You asked if I could hold your hand my heart started to skip some beats and face got ...(Cont.) |