Is it possible to seal the deal with this furious Brod?
There's this young smart,dominate,rebellious very confident girl i feel in love with not to long ago, who's also in her 20's like me and a Gemini. She also not long distance either. I have been searching for a special someone for some time. I'm that Sagittarius kind. Thats including with friends allowing other friends to have F buddies. So we meet and her intention were to flirt with all the guys as attention whore would. I still managed to catch her attention and later on she started opening up to me. Turns out we share a lot in common except for our past relationships. Were as she had 3 b/fs and cheated on one now she's back with that one she cheated on. So I said OK, waited till she was comfortable enough to explain to me her current relationship with this cheated b/f. Again turns out her b/f is a complete dick and keeps her on a short leash. There problem here is both well never gain any trust that way, so long as she can't make her own friends and hangout were she wishes thanks to her dumbass b/fs wishful thinking. I made that mistake once before.
So I got to meet her at a educational institution that lasted 2 months. we both were interested and decided to trade contact info and as u would know it become friends pretty quick. Sense she has a b/f who's playing mr dick, I decided to counter that with mr nice guy give her gifts ect.. which she enjoyed because i was so different from her b/f. However I would try and contact her with no availability, so the only communication was in person which in person i prefer over any other. She claims she hides our friendship as a secret of some sort lmao never heard that one before. Just so her b/f who's nosy won't find out but he eventual did lol. Now the time we were both spending together quickly come to a grinding halt. we both went our separate ways. Then it donned on me at the very last moment. I should have ask her how she felt about me...My fault but I wonder if my encounter changed her mind her lifestyle or even if she still thinks about me thats my biggest problem of not knowing. Usually I ask a girl out and well she either say yes, no maybe is not acceptable. At least there blunt most times. This girl wasn't, she was hiding something, had insecurities for sure but hell if I know it bothers me. Last time I checked her fb she was posting that she's seeks more friends obviously of her own and not his. Which tells me she very miserable but not lonely.
Should I continue chasing her or close this circle of love or do you think she's going to break up with her b/f in the near future? Is it even possible to seal the deal with this furious Brod?
" Boy u got me crazy about you You are my sushine everday your perfect smile blows me away "
- jay» Love Quotes
Love Poem - Sex
Author: Cc lajuette★★★ |
//php if ($key < 5) :?>
he says that he loves you you say it to. he pulls down his pants and yours to.he knows that you love him but he still dose it to. 9 months later you plow up and next thing you no he caught a truck.and that should tell you ...(Cont.) //php endif;?> |