What should i do if he wants to break up with me and i dont want to? He says that he is not good enough for me. and i do want to express my true love to him. I want him to know that i love him till my last breath. He usually annoys me by telling that i will cheat him someday. Well i do wish i had someone to share this prblm. i feels like he is done wih me. What should i do?
13 years ago
You really need to sit down with him and talk to him. Communication is a very important key to a relationship. He is obviously feeling very insecure for a reason. Maybe something that's happened to him in his past relationships. All you can do honey is try your best. Make sure you make your feelings clear. Sometimes we have these issues in relationships, me myself at the moment are going through a rough patch, i'm in the opposite situation, i feel as if i am not good enough for my boyfriend and that i am holding him back. Sometimes when we find that somebody special and you cant get your head around how lucky you are to have them. But i definitely suggest that you sit him down and try to discuss the issue, sooner rather than later. I hope it works out for you hun, keep me updated.
13 years ago
Tell him that u never cheat him and just tell these words to him-
Why u luv me if u dont trust me i luv u because i trust u i cant even think to cheat u how can u think that i will cheat u? how can u know that i will cheat u? if u know this much about me so u should know that how much i luv u and how much i trust u!
just say these line i know these r your feelings but u dont know how to express so just say these words withj your heart then also he dont want you so leave him you cant make someone to luv u -
13 years ago
but i am not saying u to stoo luv him if he wants to move on so let him go i hope someday he will realise that u luv him the most and u will never hurt him he will come back if he can understand your feelings towards him
13 years ago
I'm in the same situation as you, but what is confusing me that they tell you they love you yet somehow you get a vibe that they have already cheated on you and i know its not good, if he does break up with you dont fret ask talk to him and see if he will give you another chance, this love onlyy comes once in a while and you will only feel special with that guy, i guess if you feel like he is your world and he makes you smile in many ways not only lifts you up for everyday life and also sexually then you have found a match but what you have to remember is to never give up he is with you now and is in love with you no one else just look deep inside your heart feel your love for him and believe it will happen all that matters is that you love each other and your connection with each other xx
" Love is a thing we like to say, but really i want to save it for the special day , love is something everything you need, ... " » Full Quote
- Love will never die.<3» Love Quotes
Love Poem - My First Feeling Of Love
Author: Swati★★★ |
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Love is a beautiful feeling Which I feel wen U hold my hand first time.My Love is my Life.My Life is rough paper without my love, My love has only authority to Write on it.Everyone can Fall in Love.I Love You Jaan. |