A long silence in love is ruining every other relationships.

13 years ago

Hi am Shanu am in love with a guy from past 4 yrs we both are friends but both live in different countries currently. I told the guy that i love him but because of his past relationship failure he says he just doesn't want to fall in any relationship. We both still talk everytime almost once in every week even after the long distance. I even told my parents that i love him n i wish to wait for him my parents have also agreed coz they like him n his family. When we had met 4 yrs back we came very close we used to spend almost each and every evening together for 6 months then he had to fly overseas back to his home and i went to another country for my further studies. But in those initial 6 months we used meet everyday n talk to each other all the time on phone and even visit each other's house the way things were going i thought he loves me too and i became very serious about him even when he left after 6 months to his country he used to call me almost everyday for couple of months n after that till now we are in contact through facebook, emails and phone. Now the problem is he knows that i love him i even told him but he is not saying anything about this and my parents are asking me for a dead line to wait for him coz i just turned 25 n they are worried about me. My situation is such that i can't think about any1 else i love him and am ready to wait for him forever but am worried about my parents they have not yet said anything about me waiting for him but they need a dead line coz 4 yrs have already gone, there is always tention in my house regarding this topic. What should i do i don't understand i have always been honest to my parents i have told them on the first day itself but now i feel bad for them coz i can see my pain in their eyes i can't think abt any1 else at the same time i can't hurt them more.

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" ''in life ..there is always one special person,,so special,,that no matter what that person does to you ..you just can't let ... " » Full Quote

- stardust el» Love Quotes

Love Poem - My Favourite Hippy

Author: Daniel★★★
Our personalities mesh and mingle,
Your voice so soft and sweet,
Inside I feel this tingle,
I want to sweep you off your feet.
Our conversations go on for hour after hour, ...(Cont.)