Chinese Birth Year and Zodiac Sign Finder

Snake Chinese Year is SNAKE
Date of BirthMAR 13, 2025
Zodiac SignPisces
Birth StoneAquamarine / Coral
Chinese YearSnake

About your Chinese year of birth [Snake]

The following are the personality traits of the people who are born during the Chinesee year of the Snake. They are romantic, superstitious, diplomatic and they possess great wisdom. They are strong willed, intense personalities and they display great wisdom. These people are compatible with Rooster and Ox. However, they are not compatible with the Boar.

About your Zodiac sign [Pisces]

Pisces is the twelfth house of the zodiac circle and you belong to the Pisces zodiac circle. Pisces are spiritual in nature and emotional in expression. Your strengths include compassion, adaptability and imagination. But you can be oversensitive, lazy, indecisive and most of all an escapist. Virgo is your opposite sign. You are least compatible with Leo and Libra and most compatible with Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces.

Your birthstone is Aquamarine / Coral

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